Inhouse Curriculum Planning Committee


In-house Curriculum Planning Committee is a consortium formed within the Institution with the College Principal, teaching faculty, representatives of practice teaching schools, employers, industrial experts, alumni and students as its members. The following objectives were outlined for In-house Curriculum Planning Committee:

  • To perceive the process of curricular transaction as a process of collaborative effort of stakeholders.
  • To revisit teacher education curriculum at B.Ed. and M.Ed. levels through collaborative discussions among stakeholders.
  • To convene meetings to plan, execute and evaluate the curricular activities, semester-wise with special reference to local needs and also the vision and mission of the institution.
  • To create a structured and effective plan for teaching and learning that aligns with the goals and objectives of the institution and programme/course learning outcomes.


The Committee meets thrice a year, one in the beginning of the academic year, another at the end of the semester/during commencement of new batch and at the end of every academic year. The overview of the curriculum and its scope of implementation with the leverage of the needs of the local community are conducted. The In-house Curriculum Transaction committee hold meetings online during emergency situations like natural calamities, pandemics etc.


Activities of In-house Curriculum Committee includes planning, reviewing, revising, revisiting and transacting teacher education curriculum of graduate and post-graduate levels of teacher education based on vision and mission of institution, needs of students and requirements of local community. Result Analysis, Charting of new programmes of upcoming semester and mid- course corrections are also convened.

Discussions conducted

The committee sets clear goals and learning objectives for the curriculum, ensuring that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Members collaborate to determine the content, resources and materials that can be used in the curriculum and plans how student performance is assessed using various tests, assignments and evaluation criteria. It ensures that curriculum aligns with the institution's mission, vision and educational standards taking into account regional, national educational requirements. The committee explores innovative teaching methods, technology integration and interdisciplinary approaches to enhance the quality of education. While focusing on continuous improvement, it collects feedback from students, teachers and other stakeholders and uses it to make necessary revisions in the curriculum. It establishes a timeline for curriculum development and implementation, taking into consideration academic calendar and other relevant factors. Effective communication is rendered for proper orientation of related matters to the members concerned.

Persons Involved

  • Head of the institution
  • Teaching Faculty
  • Head of Practice Teaching Schools
  • Employers
  • Industrial Experts
  • Alumni Representative
  • Student Representative

Communications of Decisions

Communication of decisions are provided to all the members viz. Head of the institution, teaching faculty, head of the practice teaching schools, employers, industrial experts, alumni representative and student representative. The teaching faculty who is the convener of the In- house Curriculum Planning Committee conducts the meeting periodically with the persons involved.

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